Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Gibraltar Installer 1.0 Build 06 has been released

Gibraltar Installer 1.0 Build 06 is now up on my website!

Now you might be wondering, ‘geez, what took so long? The last release was in 2009!’ Well, the truth is, this build’s been done since January 2010 (I’ve even been using it for my other software), and I kept on putting off documenting the new config settings because I’d thought it’d take a long time, and then I forgot I hadn’t released it, and then a few days ago I remembered and decided to bite the bullet. And so, here we are!

(I’m really sorry about this, guys, and I’ll try not to be so silly next time. ^^; )

Build 06 introduces themes, adds support for sections (if you want the user to be able to configure what parts of the software to install), adds support for importing .reg files, adds support for restarting after install, as well as a little UI fit-and-finish and a bit of bug-whacking.

Bug report iconDon’t forget to submit bug reports so I can, well, fix any bugs! To do so, go to and click “Submit bug report”. Make sure you fill in as much detail as possible, please.

Gibraltar Installer home page
Gibraltar Installer download page
What's new in Build 06

Updated 26/09/2012 and 14/07/2013 to fix broken links.